1、剪一段岁月,留一抹馨香,且行且珍惜!Cut a period of time, leave a fragrance, and line and treasure!
2、一路向阳,一路话语,走着走着花就开了。All the way to the sun, all the way to talk, walk on the flowers open.
3、人和人之间的距离,太近了会扎人,太远了会伤人。 The distance between people, too close will prick people, too far will hurt people.
4、如果有选择,那就选择最好的;如果没有选择,那就努力做到最好。 If there is a choice, choose the best; if there is no choice, try to be the best.
5、在喜欢你的人那里,去热爱生活;在不喜欢你的人那里,去看清世界。Love life for those who like you, and see the world for those who don't like you.
6、一场花开,芬芳了流年岁月,唯美了整个季节!A flower bloom, fragrant years, beautiful the whole season!
7、走过了,经历过了,就是人生的路,只愿一 路风清,且行且珍惜!Through, experienced, is the road of life, only wish to have a clean road, and line and cherish!

8、每个人都在自己的爱情世界里,卑微着、骄傲着 Everyone is in their own love world, humble, proud
10、是你苍白了我的等待,讽刺了我的执着 Is you pale my waiting, satirized my persistence
11、成功的路上并不拥挤,因为坚持的人不多 The road to success is not crowded because there are not many people who insist on it
12、人总是这样,终于到了懂得珍惜的年纪,却偏偏什么都走散了 People are always like this, finally to know how to cherish the age, but just what are scattered
13、别总因为迁就别人而委屈自己,弯腰久了,会让人习惯你的低姿态 Don't always because of accommodating others and wronged themselves, bending down for a long time, will let people get used to your low posture
14、嫉妒,是一个人发自心底对另一个人的最大认可 Jealousy is one's greatest recognition of another from the bottom of one's heart
15、放空的心,是最好的礼物;独走的路,是最美的风景 Empty heart is the best gift; the road alone is the most beautiful scenery
16、记住,不是所有人都是真心。所以,不要那么轻易的就去相信 Remember, not everyone is sincere. So don't believe it so easily
17、生命里曾经拥有所有的灿烂,将来都需要用寂寞与孤寂去偿还,人到世间就是来还债的 Life once had all the splendor, in the future, it needs to be paid with loneliness and loneliness. People come to the world to pay off debts